Thursday, April 8, 2010


It was the FREEZING 20th day of January, 2009 and I found myself amongst a crowd of MILLIONS in Washington DC. I just celebrated my 18th birthday the night before in ATL and decided that I could not miss this HISTORIC EVENT, so thanks to AirTranU, a cousin who lives in DC and a spontaneous spirit, i hopped on a plane that night and was there ready to take in all the excitement.

Since the Inauguration of
President Barack Obama,
the buzz has died down, but I am constantly reminded of how big of an accomplishment that was for The Obama Family, the African American community and The United States of America. 

I decided to cruise on over to the white house website and check out some recent pics of our PRESIDENT and FIRST FAMILY....gotta love them! 

Im sure we have all heard this before, but a Family that prays together stays together. I am so glad that The First Family of our country believes in the power of GOD and isnt ashamed!

God Bless them and God Bless the United States of America

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